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DNRA The Movie
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 28, 2007, 9:00PM
As we all know I'm a big fan of irony, and when I watch a movie where 4 turtles named after the great renaissance artists fight living statues, well... you get this weeks comic.

So, the Ninja Turtles Movie came out last week, and need I say I was stoked? Saw it opening night with a throng of friends and I was certainly not disappointed! I've been keeping an eye on this movie since I saw an ominous movie poster over some year ago, and my hopes have risen the more I've seen. Now I must say that I am a child of the original ninja turtles, so they hold a special place in my heart. In fact I still got my original toys in my toy box in my room (as most of us do) so for me to like this movie is like a chocoholic saying they like fudge.

One of the things that thoroughly impressed me by the movie was the animation. The turtles moved like the turtles should move! Nothing against the live action animatronics movies back in the day, but c'mon, you just can't pull that stuff off in a hundred pound silicone suit.

But, I kinda found this out the hard way; if you don't know anything about the turtles you might come away from this movie asking yourself why you saw it. I'm taking this on faith since its second hand knowledge, so take it or leave it.

Oh, and just in case you have no idea who those guys are supposed to be in the comic, you might want to go refresh yourself with my original Dead Renaissance Ninja Artists comic. Running gag, go fig.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 28, 2007, 9:00PM
I thought the movie was pretty good as well. The animation worked great for the turtles and the movie had a decent flow to it. I really hope they make a sequel to this movie and continue with the story.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 28, 2007, 9:00PM
Hey alls, here are those wallpapers I promised you of our not 100th comic 100th comic comic. Hope you enjoy um!

100th Comic Wallpaper
[800x600]    [1024x768]
(Right click and select "Save Link As..." to download)