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100th Comic
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 25, 2007, 9:00PM
Sorry for the slight tardiness of todays comic, it turned out to be much more complicated then expected.

So! a hundred comics? Who would have thought! Wow! hope you like the little collage of characters, and expect to see that in a wallpaper in the next few days. A special thanks to our readership and all those who support our comic.

I had grand ambitions of capturing me drawing this comic. I tried various screen recorders but non of them worked well enough. They just take continuous screen shots, and that messes with my drawing. I tried to get my hands on a camcorder, but I don't know anybody who has one off hand, and my schools cage is shut down for break... I was disappointed... ya disappointed's a pc word for it.

Again, thanks for reading.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 25, 2007, 9:00PM
Yay! We made 100 comics ("We" meaning Vance). I'm working on something as well but since I can't draw for crap you'll have to just sit there and wonder what it could be...