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Fel Reaver Fun
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 22, 2007, 9:00PM
So you buy the expansion, wander around the burning red wastes of Hellfire Peninsula kill a few fel pigs to get your wits in this new area, then get the shit stomped out of you by a giant mechanical monster! Have a nice day.

The Fel Reaver is really quite an awe inspiring thing when you first see it, and the camera shake build in to its approach in particularly daunting.

Irony has struck my life like a giant gong, I hear it clearly, but it's a bit deafening. I'm just waiting to see where all this takes me. This should be entertaining.

A special note; the TMNT movie comes out today, hope you all have plans to go see it, I certainly do.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 22, 2007, 9:00PM
I've had my fair share of fun with the Fel Reavers in Hellfire Peninsula, but I have managed to escape each time. I haven't been playing a whole lot recently, due to no fault with WoW (other than the usual issues) but instead it is because of Final Fantasy VI. I'm having way to much fun playing that game on my DS and even though I've done it all before, it is so much fun to do all the things I had forgot about. If you own a DS or GBA you need to purchase this game.