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Druid Lovin
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - April 12, 2007, 9:00PM
Don't know what macrocosmic means? Look it up... That's what I did...

To really understand this comic you need to remember all the way back to the introduction of the Cat Monster and all the fun that in sued in that dynamic travesty. Yes, I am continuing the shenanigans of the druid. This comic has actually been on the blocks near a year now and I'm happy to finally have it done.

Look forward to seeing more of these guys, I enjoy drawing them.

The Bird Brained Animated Short is complete! You can view it here! Took me longer then expected to complete it and it still need a little fine tuning, but I like it. This just one small part of my Senior Project so stay tuned for more!

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - April 12, 2007, 9:00PM
I haven't mentioned it, but I purchased a new monitor and it came in yesterday. I upgraded from a 19" CRT to a 22" Widescreen LCD. All I can say is there is a world of difference, not just because of the size, but also the fact that it is an LCD.

I've been putting off this purchase for a long time, mostly because of two factors. One was the response times for LCD monitors and how that affects gaming. The other factor was the price. The monitor I just purchased from has a good response time (5ms) and was at a resonable price.

Oh, and WoW looks great at 1680x1050.