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Finders Keepers - Part 5
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - April 29, 2007, 9:00PM
I'm finding my posts becoming increasingly shorter, but I guess that doesn't matter cuz few of you actually read these things. Basically the climax ensues, threats are declared, and fun is to be had by all.

Saw the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theatres last week, and if you like that sort of thing I suggest seeing it. Crazy psychotic randomness verging on insanity is always fun. If you've never seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force, I'd probably suggest staying as far away from this thing as humanly possible...

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - April 29, 2007, 9:00PM
Despite Vance's doubt, I do believe that there are those out there that read our posts. To those that don't read it, you suck. I'm safe in saying this because they will never read it.

Vance and I decided to sit down and pop in one of our favorite games from times past, Soul Calibur 2. It's been awhile since either of us had played and I think we both almost cried when we realized the true depths our skills had decended to. We started to look like we were semi coherent after a few rounds, but it would take all the hours in a day and then some to bring us even close to our former glory. Let this be a lesson to you, play all your old favorites on a constant basis, so you do not look foolish when your friend suggests that you dust it off and give it a whirl.