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Finders Keepers - Part 6
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 3, 2007, 9:00PM
So it's finally over... kinda. I'm sure this is not the last time you will see us bust out the swords and tear the place up a bit. I hope you enjoyed my little "make up for not doing sword fighting comics in the past" comics. I had a good time drawing them, so I guess fun was had by all.

Spider-man 3 comes out today, as all of you don't need me to tell you and I'm sure you all have plans to go see it. I have plans on getting to together with some friends and watching it in our local IMAX theatre, I'm sure you'll hear more about this subject very soon.

Also I've been catching up on some of my lost cartoons of my youth. This installment is Gummy Bears, ah, so fun. It's the only one so far we watch every intro credits, just to sing the opening song.