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Geekly Union
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 6, 2007, 9:00PM
So... I didn't actually go to see Spider-man 3 alone, but the grand plans Reese and myself had to view it together seemed to fall apart like soggy bread (I like that analogy, it's fun). We did both see it... even in the same theatre...just two hours apart. There must have been some rift in the space time continuum somewhere... It's just hasn't seemed to manifest itself yet.

As for the movie, it was awesome. I had some continuity issues, as most people like me would, and of course Venom needed more face time. But visually spectacular and played out well. But then again, I rarely review things I don't like and I highly doubt there will be anything with Spider-man in it that I won't watch and enjoy.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 6, 2007, 9:00PM
There were some miscommunications that caused this apparent rift in space time. I didn't know the space time continuum was so fragile.

Spider Man 3 was good in my opinion. Thinking back on it, they never actually named Venom in the movie that I can recall. I thought that was kinda weird. I haven't read any reviews on the movie, but I've been told that they weren't very good. I'd have to say that the movie is worth seeing and is quite enjoyable, so go see it...

In other news, I ran across a neat program called Hackety Hack that is designed to get kids into programming. I've done the first few lessons and it is easy and fun. You start doing some really cool things with it right away. If you know anyone who is interested in programming or isn't sure if it is what they would like, have them check this out.