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Reality Unravels
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 10, 2007, 9:00PM
So I'm going off of the "This didn't really happen thing" since I already told you I didn't go to the movie alone. But I'm using this instance as a catalyst to do a whole hella lot more. This came as a surprise, since I had not intended to introduce Jessica into the strip for some time, but it just worked out too perfectly, so I had to.

I've taken it upon myself to experiment with my comic. Instead of the standard panels I've been doing since the beginning I'm trying to do more of a mesh strip, where there's no need for the segregation of panels because they move so smoothly throughout the strip. I will probably not keep this as a constant, since it is quite a bit more taxing to do, but I will try to use it as often as I can perceive it.

Lastly, this comic may spawn many a question on my current situations. I'll just tell you now... I'm not answering them yet.

On another note, I got Undergrads in the mail (netflix) and ah man! I forgot how much I loved that series...

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 10, 2007, 9:00PM
Not a whole lot going on here. I'm in the middle of moving and we all know how fun that can be. Luckily, I have set myself up with three day weekends throughout the month, so everything is a little more relaxed and less rushed.