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You're Late
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 21, 2007, 9:00PM
Ok, so I've been really lazy as of late... Sorry. I swear I'm getting better. Honestly no real excuse this time, just my damn lethargy getting in the way.

But, this comic does bring to light something that has been in the works for quite some time. A while back, about the time of the apartment fire, we decided to redesign our site, since the apartment depicted on our home page is now no longer in existence. Now it is important to note, MY concept of a site redesign is a new look and layout, REESE'S idea of a redesign is rebuilding the entire site. That is the work he's been continuously alluding to but I'll let him get into that. So stay tuned, maybe by out 200th comic you might actually see the work we did right around out 50th...

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 21, 2007, 9:00PM
I've made mention of the things I am working on to improve the update times and such. Vance wanted to redo the layout of the site and I figured that since I would have to recod the entire site anyway for the layout, I could use the opportunity to update the site to bring us up to speed. What I'm doing is a major overhaul of the underpinnings of the site and it's taking me awhile to squeeze it in around work. The payoff will be big though so it is worth it. Once this whole thing is done, Vance will not have to send me jack squat to update the comic, so I'll never be responsible for it being late again...