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Power Cosmic
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 24, 2007, 9:00PM
So, ever since the new Fantastic 4 movie reared its little head there have been a lot of questions about who the Silver Surfer actually is. Now I know a fare amount about super heroes in general and I have always had a certain affinity towards them, but the Silver Surfer had always eluded my gaze, which is funny, since after doing a fare amount of research he is probably one of the most bad ass heroes in the marvel universe.

I actually haven't seen the movie yet and I'm not sure if I am going to whilst it is in the theatres. I know, I know it's a super hero movie, by geek law I must attend, but I was just so turned off by the first Fantastic 4 movie I have little hope for this one. We'll see what happens in the end.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 24, 2007, 9:00PM
First off, I would like to congratulate both Vance and myself for not only posting the comic on time, but a wee bit early even. You can all thank us later. Let's hope we can keep it up...

On the note of the Silver Surfer, I know just enough about him to make fun of those who know less. I may take the time to follow Vance's link to the Wikipedia entry on him just to catch up on the facts. I plan on seeing the new Fantastic 4 movie in the theaters. I thought the first one was okay. Nothing spectacular but there was potential there for so much more. I'm hoping that the sequel can deliver. Time will tell.