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The Norm
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 5, 2007, 9:00PM
So this is two comics in a row that Reese has been the main proprietor on. This actually came pretty much strait from a conversation we had via WoW when he got back, I should really start taking screen shots of these things, its pretty funny... This was actually supposed to be Monday's comic, since Reese has been back for near a week now, but it got bumped back due to the Transformers movie.

Speaking of which the whole lot of us got together and went this past Wednesday to go see the new Transformers movie. I was very happy with it and not only that, they really did a good job sticking to the utter cheese of the autobots, more in specific Optimus Prime. Worth every penny to see it in the theatres but be forewarned, it's not as "child safe" as you may expect.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 5, 2007, 9:00PM
I think Vance just tried really hard to not misspell anything when he had to post on Friday because I normally fix a couple of spelling/grammar mistakes in his post each time. I would leave them alone and just mock Vance for it, but then some loyal reader somewhere will let me know that there are misspelled words and it is entirely my fault that they have not been corrected and I should be ashamed of myself for letting them through.

Of course, sometimes those are actually my mistakes and then I guess I should be ashamed. But spelling was never my strong suit.

P.S. - Transformers was a great movie and I highly recommend seeing it.