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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 8, 2007, 9:00PM
So I find myself slowly being integrated into a group that I have long been aware of, associated with, but never really partaken in. This of course, if you have been following recent comics, is Cosplay. I've always seen myself on the gamer side of the geekly fashion, mainly since I have had Reese as somewhat of a mentor. We're the people in the fanboy shirt, with our DS's out, sitting in a circle playing munchkin, just waiting to be let the theatre. Now do not misconstrue, I have absolutely no issues with my new costumed persona, it's just... where do you put your DS when you're wearing robes?

Plus... I would wear just about anything to see Jessica dress up the way she does.

This comic also introduces the idea that Reese is my "geek encyclopedia" I want to set this strait once and for all! This is totally true! Need to know anything about anything that has to do with something dorky or nerdy, Reese probably knows it. Or will, if you give him a computer and about a half an hour.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 8, 2007, 9:00PM
What can I say? I have a passion for knowledge and it's even easier to spend time reading about things your interested in, so I've picked up a bunch of random geek knowledge over the years. I admit I don't know everything there is to know (far from it) but I'm willing to look into anything at just the mere mention that you might want to know something about it. Once I know that, I'll read enough to get a good idea about it and then go and read some more until I can bore you half to death on the subject. Then I go find my friends and do so...