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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 21, 2007, 9:00PM
Had a chance to go to the International Horror & Sci-Fi Film Festival over in Tempe a few times this weekend. Friday Jessica and I went to check out the shorts, and Saturday we headed there to catch Netherbeast Incorporated. Which was actually extremely entertaining. Its based off of a short presented there about two years ago.

All and all a busy weekend, lots still to do.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - October 21, 2007, 9:00PM
I had a busy weekend as well. It was comprised of playing the demo of Hellgate London as well as beating Portal.

The demo for Hellgate London ended abrubtly with no notice that it was really over, you just end up clearing out an area and find that you have nowhere to go now. My first playthrough was with the Blademaster class. After switching my shield for a grappling gun I had a decent amount of fun but wasn't fully impressed. I then played through with the Marksmen and had a great deal of fun. The game seems to have enough depth to keep me going for a while as well as the fun of just taking out hordes of demons. It also looks and plays great in full 3-D.

As for Portal, I beat it last night but didn't have the time to run through the advanced maps. I will say that the game is fun and makes you look at FPS games in a whole new light. Also, as you may have heard elsewhere, the ending song. (Spoiler Warning - don't listen to this song if you ever intend on beating the game, since it has the most impact in that case and I would hate for it to be ruined for you.) The song is so good I've been listening to it on repeat at work for the last few hours and I've enjoyed it the whole time.