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Night Elf
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - October 25, 2007, 9:00PM
I'm sorry to say, but I haven't received a comic to post nor have I heard anything from Vance. If I get one I will post it right away.

I just started playing a game that is actually quite fun. It's still a little rough around the edges but it is easy to get into and it is free (optional spending for perks does exist, for those who have money and like to flaunt it). It's called Universe Wars and I recommend you check it out.

There isn't currently any documentation other than their wiki, but it does pretty good all in all. The game is a turn based strategy game played in your browser and it runs 24/7. Everything happens based around their tick system, such as you getting resources every tick, things take so many ticks to build and so on. Ticks occur every 15 minutes unless you pony up $5 for their plus account which removes the ads and sets it so that ticks occur every 10 minutes instead. The game is focused around alliances between players and fairly large scale attacks as you get further along. Also, they do all of this in rounds. Each round lasts 3 months and we are just in the beginning of the first month of round 4. At the end of the round, everything is reset, improvments are made to the game and another round starts with everyone at a level playing field. I find it quite entertaining and I think you might too. If you do join, send me an in game mail. My empire name is Cake and is located at [43:12] <-- it makes sense when you play.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 25, 2007, 9:00PM
Sorry about the late comic alls. I wish I had some great excuse as to why it wasn't posted yesterday but I don't. I actually just got so caught up in the holiday festivities that I just plumb dumb forgot. When was the last time you heard "plumb dumb"... seriously.

So I have to go sew my tabard together for tonights party. Happy the weekend all the Halloween parties are going to be on!