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6 Months
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 4, 2007, 9:00PM
So Jessica and myself just celebrated our first six months together. I'm somewhat amazed that she has been able to stand me for this long, but I'm not one to complain when things actually go my way... The first comic depicting Jessica actually depicts our first date, of seeing Spider-man 3 together.

SO many things happening (which will be seen in comic form soon.)

Just went to the fair for the last few days it was here and had a good ol' time. It had been a while since I've made it there and I had a great time with Jessica there. Hellgate London finally came out. It seems I've been waiting forever for this game, but its here now, and I'm happy. Expect to hear much more from us on this game.

Good time for all. Sorry about the late update, I had a interview that took my mind today.