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Not Till Tuesday
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 27, 2007, 9:00PM
I just heard from Vance in regards to the comic, he has yet to finish it and is currently at work. As soon as he gets off and finishes it, I will have it up here for all to see.

Since I know you are all wondering, my holidays have been going great so far. My girlfriend was kind enough to fuel my addiction by getting me more cards for Christmas. Since her family is really big into Christmas I got showered with gifts (most of them really good). I put up a good effort and tried real hard to reciprocate their good will. I hope they enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed theirs.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 27, 2007, 9:00PM
So next weeks Monday comic will be posted on Tuesday. Not much else to say... sorry about the late post.