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The Question
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 31, 2007, 9:00PM
There is a reason I had Reese post this on Tuesday instead of Monday. Mainly, my plans consist of proposing on Monday night (last night by now, but I'm writing this on Sunday) and if this were to be posted before I was to actually do it I am sure she would catch wind of it some how and what little surprise I have geared up behind it would be shattered.

I, however, do not know the answer in which I will be given. I can only speculate and hope that somewhere along she hasn't gotten sick of me, as she rightly should have by now. So I could not actually put her answer, but I will be sure to let you all know.

I do not know if I could ever properly convey my feelings towards Jessica in writing. She stepped through my door and immediately my entire life was brighter, had meaning, was beautiful. Not a day has gone by that I have not been happy to know her, awed by her, and honored to have her by my side.

As 2007 comes to an end and we gear up for 2008 it comes to mind the stark contrast between this and last year. Last year I have openly hailed as one of (if not the) worst years of my life. Nothing went right, so much pain and angst had been wrought. This year, however, has been a dazzling delight of wonder and I owe much of that credit to Jessica. It seems that ever since she walked though my door I have been in a constant giddy bliss. So many things I have achieved and accomplished this year, and the cherry would easily be my relationship with her.

My Lovely Deer,

My Sweet Somber,

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I love you.