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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 8, 2008, 9:40PM
So, as I said last week and Reese commented on as well, Reese myself and our significant others went out to see the Iron Man Movie last week end. I will say that Robert Downey Jr. did a wonderful job in his roll as Tony Stark. I also must say that this movie kicked ass. Seriously, I had some reservations going in but it meat and exceeded all expectations that I could have possibly had. And Reese is right you need to stay past the credits. I would have to say that this actually rivals Spider-Man as my favorite superhero movie and that's saying quite a lot, cuz I loved me some Spider-Man.

This isn't the only Iron Man comic I have planned so stay tuned to see what I have brewing in my head.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 9, 2008, 10:13AM
Regardless of how disparaging the comic is towards Robert Downey Jr., I personally think it is great that he has overcome such issues and (based soley on Iron Man) he has resurected his career.

On another note, I've recently gotten into Team Fortress 2, thanks to Vance mentioning that he spends a fair amount of time playing himself. I've owned the game since I bought the Orange Box back in November, but never got around to Team Fortress 2. I'm so glad I took a look at it. Since I've already thrown around tons of praise for Portal (who hasn't) and I'm really enjoying Team Fortress 2, I have no problems recommending the Orange Box to anyone who thinks these games may be fun. It's going for forty bucks right now and it comes with a total of five games, awesome buy.

P.S. Valve, you may consider this an advertisement and I will eagerly await some sort of compensation from you...