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O' to the screen
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 1, 2008, 6:22PM
Welcome to the New! Reese and I have been working on this site redesign for what seems like forever now. There is the new front page with the comic directly on it now. Most of the work done for this upgrade was done behind the scenes by Reese, but I will let him discuss that if he wishes to. You will notice two new tabs up on the header. The "Bonus” tab goes to various artwork that I've done for VR Comic – right now I have a couple of wallpapers in there for those of you who like that sort of thing. The "Other” tab is for Reese's and my other projects. At the moment it's empty, but soon it will boast various links to mine and Reese's other projects.

With the new site with the comic on the home page, the TV screen is no more. In all actuality that actual television melted in the apartment fire some time around our 43 comic "While Reese is away” so it has been no more for quite some time but it is still sad to see this staple of our site go. Join me in remembering all our happy times together... I.. love you ... screen.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 1, 2008, 11:40PM
Yes, this is the big project I've been (kind of) working on for the last fourteen months or so.

You would be surprised at how hard it is to get this kind of thing going. I rewrote the entire site by hand from scratch. I could have just grabbed a prebuilt php site designer, but I felt I would get more out of doing it all myself. While I did learn a lot more, it took longer to implement then I had first hoped.

Things aren't perfect, so if you notice something wrong or something that needs improving, let me know. Also, since the entire site is database driven if there is ever a late comic it will be entirely Vance's fault, barring a huge technical error.

Enjoy our new site!