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Keepsakes - Part 3
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 6, 2008, 12:22PM
Vance called me up for some help on this comic (and the past few regarding the "Tech Cult") and I had a really hard time trying to find a way to express the differences in rank.

As a geek myself, I've never really thought about how I rank in the scheme of things. I know there are those who have more knowledge and experience in my field, but I've never thought of them as anything other than role models. Maybe it's a geek thing, but I think we all just respect each other and our eternal quest for knowledge.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 6, 2008, 12:22PM
I feel like the things I do right now concerning the Tech Cult are very important. Like how they advance in ranks and even what rituals they follow. I often access Reese for such information, since he is in the cult and not me, which tends to yield some interesting results, or links to useful information.

We have a few new additions to our site this week. First, I added a Screen Wallpaper to the Bonus page, much in the same as the comic. I hope you all enjoy that. Second, if you wish to make a donation to help keep this site up and running we have set up a paypal account. The both the banner at the top and the paypal button beneath the side banner will both take you there presently. If we get a good response I have some really cool things planned.

I should add that donations are not required or anything. But if you like our site, and would like to help us out, this would be a wonderful way for you to do it.

Thanks again for reading, hope you like the new site.