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Design Flaws
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - August 8, 2008, 10:16AM
I finally broke down and purchased an X-Box 360 this week. There were two main reasons (other than playing games) that I purchased one this week. First, I was looking for an easy way to stream media from my computer to my new TV in the living room. Then, there was also the fact that Dell (of all places) was selling the X-Box 360 Elite with two games for $299. I just couldn't pass that up.

Regarding the comic, Vance always short changes me on the thought department. I understand though, he doesn't have much to go around.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 8, 2008, 3:04PM
It's not like I don't care about Reese's mech. It's just that I don't care about Reese so the things associated with him tend to suffer. I also really enjoyed drawing the drawing of my mech picking me up.

Not too much to speak on for the rest of my life. Just plugging away...