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Silver Lining
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 15, 2008, 11:30AM
Poor robot... looks so sad. If I were to give Reese power I have no doubt he would try to create chaos using his relentless logic. Knowing the irony in what he was doing and watching the simple people scurry about.

Not enough PAX talk as of late, especially since its only 2 weeks away. Looking forward to getting out of this desert hell and going to the lush greenity (ya I made up a word, deal with it) that is Washington. Plus, you know, the most awesomest convention ever. And with the new site it'll be easier then ever posting the comics while we are away. Good job Reese.

I am sad though. PAX and Dragoncon are on the very same weekend this year making it impossible to attend both PAX wins out, but Dragoncon put up a hell of a fight.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - August 15, 2008, 5:25PM
Okay, first thing first. I want to apologize to everyone for my late/inconsistent posts. I sometimes let little things like work get in the way of doing what I should be doing. Anyway, I'm currently working on resolving that by adding an RSS feed to our site. I'm testing it now and working out the bugs, so it should be ready before we go to PAX.

I also wanted to update everyone on the status of my living room setup, since I know you were all worried about it. First off, the new TV and surround sound system are up and running minus the rear left speaker (the only reason that last speaker is being left out for the time being is that running the wiring through the wall for it has turned out to be a pain in the ass).

My new X-Box 360 Elite is up and running and currently using a wireless connection. This may change depending on if I can cope with the buffering times when streaming anime from my computer. Other than that, it all has come together quite nicely and things are looking good. I still need to do a movie night or something to really test it out, but that may have to wait until that last speaker is setup since I'm anal.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 15, 2008, 7:45PM
I find it entertaining how it's just Reese and his mech in the comic this week, kind of "staring” Reese. Reese, writes a 3 paragraph long rant. Doesn't even mention the comic or his role in it...

I wonder if he even reads the comic? Maybe I should just start drawing him in a tutu an calling him Checkers.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - August 17, 2008, 9:45AM
I read the comic, I just figured that my post was long enough already and didn't need anything more added to it. And now I've added this paragraph to explain it, way to ruin my initial intentions Vance...