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Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - August 28, 2008, 3:33AM
By the time everyone is reading this, we should be in Seattle for PAX. This is the first real test of the new sites ability to handle automatically posting content while we are away. I'll probably get my hands on a computer while I'm up there and add some additional information as the weekend goes on. To help you all keep up with what is happening, I have put up our RSS Feed (there is also a link in the sidebar to the right -->). If you don't know what RSS is or how to use it, it's time to learn.

Also, with Warhammer Online coming out soon, I've joined the Road to War effort. To help me out with this, I've added a Road to War page to our site. Feel free to check it all out.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 28, 2008, 3:51AM
Reese'll be here in a few minutes and then we will away to Washington. I would be lying if I told you that my excitement wasn't masked by a dread that I know I'm going to forget something very important. I keep going over the list in my head, but I know there's just something missing... there always is.