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If at First You Don't Succeed
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 1, 2008, 2:31PM
So, PAX has come and gone. I was a fun time had by all, so be sure to stay tuned for the VR @ PAX annual comic depicting our adventures.

I finally thought of an acceptable "Waiting for the PAX comic, comic” last night at 1 in the morning. I brought up my wacom (stories to come) and Jessica's laptop so I was actually able to draw a real comic, but I forgot to get my title templates so they're hand written today (and probably Fridays too).

This comic directly links to the While the Reese is Away story arc, the thought of flaming lawn dart still entertains me so.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 2, 2008, 10:26AM
Yes, PAX was fun as always. This year was a bit different than years past. I'm not entirely sure what it was, but just a bunch of little things had changed. Not to say that the show wasn't awesome, but I missed getting little freebies in the swag bag when lining up to get in (still got a swag bag, but it seemed to be filled with more ads and trials than cool free things).

Also, they really needed to bring more PAX08 shirts. They had sold out by noon on Saturday and I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get one. Vance was quite upset as well.