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Forgetfull 2
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 5, 2008, 10:05AM
After seeing Fallout 3 at PAX, I decided to dig up my Fallout cd and give it a play through. I then found out that the installer has a good chance at failing on Windows XP. Then, once installed, it doesn't play. Not even in compatibility mode. I found this site that gave directions on how to get it up and running and also hosts the patches. Needless to say, I spent several hours remembering how easy it is to screw yourself in the older games (characters with Luck as their main attributes are hard to play). Good times...

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 5, 2008, 3:46PM
So much has happened this past week, for me to try and recap it all would almost be a joke. First off, the PAX comic is coming. I would expect it maybe Monday but more likely next Friday. I came right back into a weeks worth of work and although I hope to squeak it out over the next few days I am not promising that, or even alluding to the fact that it could happen.

After PAX Jessica and myself hung around Washington for a few more days with our long lost friend Croz and April. We actually headed up to Anacortes and went on a whale watching expedition. This was very fun and although the Orca's had moved beyond our reach we did see a number of Minke Whales and various other ocean wildlife.

Many thanks to Croz and April for taking the time to enjoy Washington with us. We would not have had such a wonderful time if it were not for you.