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Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 8, 2008, 10:05AM
WALL-E rocks!

In other news... I started playing the Warhammer Online Open Beta yesterday and after a little bit of time getting used to the game I find that I'm really enjoying it. I find the method used to customize your user interface to be both powerful and extremely easy to use. The public quests are fun and can be quite rewarding. I also did a bit of RvR fighting and I had a blast (literally, the flags would explode and kill everyone around them periodically).

I also really like the fact that each class is truly unique in it's own way. For example, as a Dark Elf Sorceress, I could harness dark magic to cast my spells. Because I'm bending this magic to my will forcefully, it has a chance to backlash and injure my character. Each spell I cast increases my Dark Magic meter. The higher my meter, the better chance I have to crit. Sounds great, but the higher my meter gets the better chance I have of incurring a backlash from my spells. I even killed myself once that way (although it did unlock an entry in my Tome of Knowledge). Each class has it's own mechanic and because of this, two dps classes will be played differently to accommodate their particular mechanic.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you were on the fence about this game, you owe it to yourself to at least check it out. Warhammer Online offers several refinements along with several new mechanics to the MMO genre and is well worth looking into.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - September 8, 2008, 11:23AM
Sorry I've been kinda screwing up the congruity of the story. I meant to have this posted before we left, but the comic was a bit too complicated for me to pull off before heading off to PAX. So I'm going to try to finish up this little thing before the PAX comic, so its completion doesn't get pushed too far back.

Ok, as Reese said WALL-E rocks. I've had this comic planned ever since I saw the movie. I've just been biding my time waiting for the moment I would talk about it.

So I have a great respect for Pixar, what they do and how they do it. WALL-E is, in my opinion, if not their best then pretty damn close, and I looooved The Incredibles . So that's just shows how good this thing is. It's quite amazing how much they make us care about a silly little robot. That's just good story telling.

WALL-E has caught some flack for its "propaganda" or the fact that it "has a message" which is how I take all that. It actually kind of reminds me of FernGully in the way that the message is woven into the story.

So, if you haven't watched WALL-E yet... you should cry yourself to sleep at night due to the same you have wrought upon yourself and your family.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - September 8, 2008, 12:17PM
Here is some more information in the form of an ars technica article on Warhammer Online. That link goes to the third article in their series (they are doing one a week) and there are links to the first two articles at the bottom of the third. Their articles cover everything I tried to share about the game, just, you know, better.