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Adventures of Super Hoot
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 15, 2006, 9:00PM
Time for a brief history lesson of my drawing, it may be boring and most of you probably won't care, but its entertaining for me! And that's 50% of my readership!

When I started drawing it was for the soul purpose to draw comic strips. I love comic strips! Any other talent acquired by doing this is merely secondary. For the longest time all I wanted to be was creating strips and make people laugh. Along the way I got pretty good at art, not as good as some, focusing most of my abilities on the cartoon style instead of realism. I've caught up a great deal, but that is why I have almost a harsh cartoony style.

Excluding Boss (which you'll probably see in later strips) Super Hoot, was the first reoccurring character I ever created. He is supposed to be stupid and cliche! That is his purpose. I have drawings I did in the 7th grade of Super Hoot, One Eye, and Super Hoots side kick Super Sparrow (he didn't make the leap through the ages,) which I might take into school and scan in for this post later this week.

In fact Super Hoot has changed a great deal, but One Eye is still the same excluding a hat, and a shorter name. He used to be the "One Eyed Bandit" but that was lost rather quickly. When I came up with the Duck as a character it was not a large leap to place Super Hoot as his role model.

Needless to say I like birds they are fun and interesting to draw in a caricature fashion, and I've done a lot with them, but only time will tell if any of those ideas will ever make it here to VR Comic. Well just see where the road takes us, and what people like to see. If you have any questions or comments feel free to e-mail either of us. It seems we have lots of readers, just none of you ever say hi... I feel so used.

For a brief personal update, life is... interesting. The utter happiness I have been boasting about for the past few weeks was turned into searing pain this week. Things I knew, and kept telling myself, I couldn't get myself to believe. I guess unobtainable thing are sometimes better left unobtainable. With the help of some of my closest friends I have regained my composure and have let go a lot of my preconceived ambitions. I still have hope for what this future road may hold, but I know now that it will be a long a painful path.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 15, 2006, 9:00PM
I was never into comics as much as I would have liked in my childhood. I was into video games far too much to worry about spending money on comic books and such. Oh well...

Vance has blessed us with a comic regarding his childhood heroes that he came up with (all on his own), whereas my hero as a child was MacGuyver, but there was already a show about that.

Since I know you all care about my personal life, my new bed came in the mail this weekend and it's nice to wakeup somewhere other than the floor. If you are wondering why my beds get mailed to me it's because I use an air matress for a bed. They rock. Fairly inexpensive and you can instantly make more space during the day by deflating it or lifting it up against the wall. There is your helpful bachelor tip for the day.