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PvE vs PvP
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 22, 2006, 9:00PM
I have recently had the fortune of playing WoW on a PVE (player versus environment) server. I played for quite a while and was astounded to see what a distain my current faction held for the opposing side. I have been playing on PVP (player versus player) server since beta. In beta a played on both kinds, and the reasoning for my devotion for PVP is not my love for PVP, in fact I'm not very fond of it, but in playing on the PVE server I ran into a dwarf paladin I could have easily vanquished running across my path. He stopped /laughed at me and went along his marry way. At that moment I knew I had to be on a PVP server, so that that would not happen again.

So back to my original thought... It amazed me that on a PVE server the same animosity towards the other side would grow, and often I got caught up in arguments I probably shouldn't have. How can you hate someone that can't do anything to you? I have been ganked more then my fair share of times, and I have done my fair share of ganking, in fact, that is the only reason I've played a rogue at all. Go from level 20 to level 60 constantly watching your back, every time you hear a cheap shot you think you're getting jumped (I often partied with a rogue... aka, Reese), then tell me you hate the Horde or Alliance.

No matter how bad you think the other side is, your side is just as bad. If there's nothing else I've learned it's that.

I put the explanations of PVP and PVE in there not to belittle any gamer who reads my post, but for my family, who (for the most part) are not gamers, and would have no idea what that meant...

I'm going to refrain from posting about my personal life for a while, it's all fucked up, and it's time to sort a few things out.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 22, 2006, 9:00PM
I also recently had the joy of playing on a PvE server (damn Vance for switching servers so much...) and it was just nice to think about all the things I would be able to do without the hassle of another player killing me. Then I came back to my original PvP server and realized that it is far more enjoyable to just be the one killing the other players then to fear them doing the same to me. In my first hour back playing, while I was still getting used to my higher level character again, I was able to obtain no less than seven honor kills (what a stupid name for slaughtering the other faction). Of course, I had Vance there with me to help, but the ones we killed were higher level than us and one was a shadow priest, so I think it was all even.

Other than that, Vance wins for I have no drama in my life. If you call that winning...