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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 29, 2006, 9:00PM
Hm... I don't expect this comic to last long, so read it while you can.

All characters that may look like a character that is the most prized and copyrighted character in the word, is purely um... It wasn't me...

I don't know what to think about the recent buy out of Pixar by Disney. I have a great respect for Disney, although their more recent work has been failing, they are still the king of animation. Pixar is kind of the crowned prince, the next step if you will. I was so excited a few years ago when I heard that Pixar and Disney were splitting. I had it in my little head that Pixar was going to run off, make the best movies, and bring pride back to animation. They still very well may do that, but under the name of Disney now. I had also heard that Pixar had bought all of Disney's 2D animation equipment (whether it be true or not), and that made me ecstatic. Pixar doing 2D animation? My heart pitter patters at the idea of it. But, give Disney back a soul and Pixar near unlimited resources? I think this could work out well.

I like 3D animation, if done well it is an amazing media for the genera, but I love traditional 2D animation, and it saddens me that it has seemingly fallen to the way side. I am happy to see a few movies coming out in the 2D application such as Curious George, which I am excited to see, and I think that eventually we will move back to 2D animation after we get tired of all this 3D crap, or more hybrid, but the quality of transition between 2D and 3D has to be meshed well, which often isn't the case.

I was pissed off all yesterday and for no real reason, just edgy, so I didn't start on the comic as soon as I had planned. Someday soon I might start creating the comic a week in advanced to stave off these tardy posts... but that would take ambition, motivation, and a "go get um" attitude, and I'm fresh out of that.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 29, 2006, 9:00PM
I would say something about Vance not getting to work on the comic on time, but he was helping my warlock in WoW last night, so I can't complain.

As far as the Disney/Pixar thing goes, I kinda wanted Pixar to grow to a giant of the industry and crush Disney beneath their enormous heel. This isn't because I hate Disney, god knows I love Disneyland, but more from the fact I see things like Bambi 2 and I want to puke. When I heard that Toy Story 3 was cancelled, I was glad to see that Pixar's new President has enough balls to prevent the milking of a respectable franchise. How is it that these large companies only see the money and not the public opinion of them when they go to make these sequels? Oh wait, I think I answered my own question...

Also, Warlocks rock.