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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 22, 2008, 4:38PM

You know how it goes. What it feels like then the two people you think should never even talk suddenly have a "great conversation”... about you? Fear is the only word that comes to mind, well... F*cked does too, but this is a children show.

You now have regular incentive to vote for our comic at Top Web Comics. I have decided to do a "What Vance Drew at Work” each update. These are random things that I draw at work. Since I have some down time and drawing makes the days go by faster. So vote over to the right of the page and enjoy my sketchings.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - October 24, 2008, 11:24AM
If you look at this comic from the guys perspective, they know nothing of what the girls talked about and as far as Vance is concerned, they should not like each other. But what does he find? They are getting along. The best part is that they will never even hint at why that is. This is the reason girls totally confuse me (and probably most guys). They do things that don't make sense to us and they will not explain anything. Stupid girls...