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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - October 27, 2008, 9:35AM
We all have that one friend. You know, the friend that just attracts people where ever they may go. Steve is our friend. Steve and his wife Barbara actually made an appearance in the comic some time ago for their wedding. When it was decided that we were going to have a party this year in the absence of our other friend Q's most excellent party I needed to know Steve would be coming, because with him... will come the party.

Remember alls! We have that new "What Vance Drew at Work” voting incentive now! So go see what I drew at work this time!

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - October 27, 2008, 10:47AM
What to say about Steve...

Back when we were all single, Steve was the guy that was just super easy to get along with and always seemed to know what was going on where. He was very popular, especially with the women. This is the reason we all admired him and hated him (in a nice way) at the same time. Whenever he would walk into a room, all the females would just lose all interest in anything that wasn't him. Of course, he had no control over this so I hold nothing against him.

I guess like everyone else, I'm just a tad jealous.