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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - November 10, 2008, 10:11AM
Yup, more Fallout 3 humor. The sad thing is I have very few people around me that have played the game yet, so I have nobody to vent my squeeish delight when I slaughter some slavers or blow up a city...

Many years ago, I think I was 11 or 12; I got a very bad case of appendicitis. I was in 6th grade at the time and for a few days I tried to play off the pain. Instead of dying my body actually walled off the poison but because of this I didn't get the in and out service most appendectomy's get. I sat in the Phoenix Children's Hospital for near 6 weeks while they drained the crap out of my stomach and eventually cut the little sucker out. In this time my true joy was when I got to sign up for the Nintendo. I never had gaming as a child and this is one of the few times I got near unlimited access to it. I played video games so much I would actually bend the iv's they would stick in my wrists. But, I wouldn't care, playing those games made me forget where I was, forget the predicament I was in, and forget the bile draining from my gut. Because of gaming (and you know, loving family and whatnot) I can look back at that portion of my life in almost a happy manner, instead of the dread I should.

Why am I telling you all of this? It's time once again for Childs Play , where gamers give back. Reese and I have always made a point to be involved in this charity ever since PA started it some time ago. They donate all sorts of gaming and other important things to children's hospitals all over the country. So please, check them out and help where you can.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - November 11, 2008, 9:52AM
It's funny. Just before leaving for PAX this year I had read a bunch of articles on Fallout 3. This got me interested in the series again and I dug up my old Fallout cd and I went about installing it. To make a long story short, it doesn't like Windows XP. A few tweaks to some files and some patches downloaded and I was able to play. There are still a few problems, but it's playable.

The reason I'm telling you all this is that not only is the original game worth playing, but it can be obtained by those of you who never had a chance to pick it up before. Good Old Games sells a bunch of the older titles at great prices. Not only that, it's all DRM free and has been patched up to run properly in XP and Vista. Check them out if you wish to relive your past gaming experiences or just to find out what you missed.