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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - December 29, 2008, 7:04AM
Early in my life I came to the realization that I was not going to live forever. In this I figured I would much rather live a short and happy life than a long dull one. This was fine when I was younger and had nothing to lose. Now I have this lovely Jessica in my life, so I'd be willing to stick around as long as I can. But, since I have had this mentality for the majority of my life it has come to this. I don't make New Years resolutions. I don't see the point. The end of 2008 will be just like the beginning of 2009, unless something drastic was to happen. And in that case... it probably would have happened anyways.

My point is this: there are milestones in every person's life. Schools, graduations, weddings... a multitude of genuine events that will mark your life as they come. Don't make your changes just because the calendar flipped a date.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - December 29, 2008, 3:14PM
Well said Vance.

I may have mentioned it before, but Vance and I disagree on a few things from time to time. This time, it's not on the main point of his post (or comic), but instead on the idea of not living forever. I believe technology will come to my aid and extend my life a great deal, if not indefinitely. I just need to live long enough to see it.