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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - January 2, 2009, 3:24PM
So, I guess I should post something... We had a party for New year much in the way the Halloween party went some months back. Much fun was had by all and to my knowledge, everyone made it home. This comic is an obvious through back to the "I'm Helping" comic a bit back in our archive. Plus, it reintroduces the poking stick, whom I love. And of course, Reese is always willing to help in a pinch.

I've kind of already don't my soapbox shpeel last week. All I have to say is 08 was a good year, and 09's looking pretty shnazzy a to boot.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - January 2, 2009, 4:00PM
What I find entertaining about this comic is that I did spend a portion of the time at Vance's party poking the fire with a stick.

Nothing special going on with me and the new year except I'm about to kill Cox as my internet connection keeps dropping every twenty minutes or so.