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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 13, 2009, 10:15AM
Jessica and I are going to a concert for Jason Webley tonight. Actually, a Jason Webley concert was one of the places Jessica and I first really got together, so we’ve made a habit of going to his shows whenever he strolls through this dust bowl we call Phoenix. If your interested he’ll be a the Trunk Space at about 8:00 tonight.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 13, 2009, 4:10PM
I've made a minor update to the site. The comments button no longer pops a new window. All comments are now inline with the page. I'm hoping it will make viewing/adding comments easier on everyone. Let me know what you guys all think.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 14, 2009, 1:51PM
The concert last night was awesome, and some funny stories to tell to. We got out a little late and needed to go pick up some friends on our way. I doubt you’ve ever been to the Trunk Space but I’ve been there three times and I still can’t find the damn place. We wonder around downtown Phoenix for a little bit, getting stuck taking various one way roads and then BAM, Grand. The trunk space is on Grand, we were almost there, and everyone has to pee. The problem was I was not in the right lane to be turning onto grand, furthermore I failed to believe the cop next to us would care if I made this turn... I was wrong. So we get pulled over and sit there... and sit there... and the cop comes and talks to us, then we sit there... 45 minutes later I get a warning for the turn and Jessica gets a ticket for expired tags. The whole time we are waiting we’re making fun of the situation at hand.

So we go along our route and we’re not seeing the Trunk Space down Grand, (a special note: I couldn’t print directions cuz Jessica burned all out ink printing Jason Webley fliers to pass out and she forgot the hand written directions at home, so we we’re going off of strictly vague memories.) So, we turn around at Roosevelt and head back... still nothing... I pull into the Church’s Chicken there and everyone gets out to pee. I call information and ask for the Trunk Space and BAM automatically transferred to the number. Ya, like anyone’s gonna answer. So I call again and ask for directions and find that the street we turned around on, Roosevelt, hosted the Trunk Space on its very corner. If I had looked right before flipping a u-turn we would have already been there.

I had a chance to see Vermillion Lies as Jason Webley’s openers and holy crap. They are good. I’d suggest checking them out. The lead singer (they are two sisters) had an amazing olden quality voice. I made me think of Fallout 3 (Yes…I am that lame).