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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 16, 2009, 10:08AM
This weeks comic is brought to you by comic 234, 84 and 1. My Wacom pen had been filed down from years of use. For the past few months it was been increasingly difficult to get a solid line out of it without holding it upright (Which is my preferred method of drawing... lemme tell you what.). A day or two ago I trolled the net trying to find out how to get this stupid "nib" out of the pet so I could replace it. I finally found come helpful advice and with a pair of needle nose pliers I snagged what little wick I had left and pulled the sucker out. Now, I don’t want to put it back in for fear that this time I won’t be able to grasp it. So I hopped online and hastily ordered me some new nibs from Wacom, I’m still waiting for them to arrive...

I remember when I first got my Wacom, that new Wacom smell. Rummaging through the box, disregarding the instructions and finding this tiny bag of little white plastic shanks, I remember looking at my shiny new Wacom thinking “This things indestructible, why would I ever need these things?” well, I was wrong. I didn’t through those nibs away, but I certainly didn’t keep them in a safe enough place, cuz I can’t find a trace of them.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 16, 2009, 10:34AM
VR Comic now has a Wikipedia page. After much learning on how to create a “proper” Wiki page and much fighting to keep it afloat while I got all the information in there properly. I do believe it is now stable. Through this all I learned one major thing about posting on Wiki... It’s all about the references.