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Free Pass
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - March 27, 2009, 11:51AM
Vance should know better than to think he could get a free pass for anything from a female. Tsk Tsk.

In other news, there is a new company called OnLive that promises to deliver gaming to your TV via streaming, with them providing the hardware on their end. There have been other articles written about this, but here is my take on it. This will be a great service for casual gamers or those new to the scene. For people who have been gaming for awhile (especially on the PC), there is just something about the whole process of upgrading your hardware that makes the hobby feel complete. I love building a new computer and then seeing what it can do at the next LAN party. I love getting a new console and inviting a bunch of friends over to play. These are things that cannot happen with this service. Sure, it's nice to not have to worry about the hardware, but I feel that you lose an important part of the hobby when you remove it from the equation. Also, let's not forget the fun of passing last generation's hardware on to the younger ones (children, nieces and nephews, etc...).

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 27, 2009, 6:16PM
Sorry for the late rant, I’ve been having some medical issues today. It’s nothing to be concerned with, its log standing deal that comes and goes...

As for the comic, if you don’t remember, Shannon and Jessica swapped clothes a few comics back causing me some turmoil. Looking at the outfit change I really liked how it turned out so I think its here to stay.

Jessica has had the chance to work at Cavalia for the past little bit. Last night she had the opportunity, due to it being their final show, to get some discounts on some tickets. Reese, Heather, my mother, a bunch of my mothers coworkers and myself all had a chance to catch the show last night. They packed up last night and headed out to Montreal, so I guess if you’re around that area I would suggest seeing it.