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Changing Hands
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - March 31, 2009, 1:22PM
New comic is up, sorry for the delay. I’ve been planning on doing more robot comics in this fashion and I had planned on setting up a Spy vs Spy deal between the two of them as a reoccurring thing.

I’ve also posted the next voting incentive for WVD@W and there should be few issues with it in the near future. I’ve also been planning an archive of the story for those of you who may be starting late on the action.

If you haven’t noticed this month for the (almost) daily WVD@W I have been doing an ongoing story with my and Reese’s “Imagination” characters. I am very happy with the turn out and the flow of ideas that this concept has released. I am also please that even though I did not reach my unrealistic goal of positioning at TWC we did have a substantial increase in votes. I will be continuing the (almost) daily updates from here on out.

Thanks to everyone who voted and for those who haven’t been, there’s always time to start.