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Back to School
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 6, 2009, 7:43AM
So, Classes don't actually start until tomorrow, due to the 4th of July, but I have had all the fun of being a cow packed into a small sardine can that is registration. Not only that but apparently the people at my fine school have not hear of air conditioning... in Phoenix... during summer.

I'm going back to school for a very specific reason, an art degree gets you jack during an economic slump. To those of you that have a happy fulfilling artistic job, grats... and give be a call if any openings come about.

I am actually going back and taking some business classes and seeing where that takes me both for furthering this little site we have going here and for my own aspirations outside this small world I've created here.

So wish me luck and hope everything works out for the best.