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After School Special
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 10, 2009, 4:29AM
So the first week of my newly acquired academic status has come to an end. I am going to the same school I attended shortly after high school and wandering around that campus seems familiar in a sad way. It is entertaining taking an introduction to computer science (a required coarse for my studies) and knowing the majority of what is being taught. I actually found myself answering questions directed at the teacher, which just makes me feel like a know it all prick, so I'm gonna refrain from doing that in the future.

All and all its been a worth while endeavor so far. So I'm content in seeing where this road leads.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 10, 2009, 2:01PM
I recently tried out the beta for Aion and I must say that while it didn't really amaze me with new and wonderful things, it did leave me with the desire to play more. I started as a Priest, which is one of the four base classes. At level ten, you may choose to be either a Cleric or a Chanter. For those who have played role playing games, the Cleric is something you are pretty familiar with. The Chanter is sort of like a cross between a monk and healer. You have mantras (chants) that buff the party and you can have several up at a time. You have a few heals, but mostly you smack things with a staff while debuffing the enemy at the same time. I didn't get too much time with my Chanter before the servers went down (they are doing the beta over several different weekends up until launch in Sept.), but I really enjoyed what I did get to play. I think it is worth keeping an eye on.