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Fantasi - Demons
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 22, 2010, 3:13PM
Comic comes a bit late on on both ends. Took me a while to create this one and Reese broke the management site I use to upload comics yesterday, but breaking sites is what Reese's do best.

Side note on the name. I played around with using our pseudonyms for the Fantasi story lines. Boss is mine, ever since the first computer I ever used. I always believed this was a Boss IBM computer since it had a big sticker with "Boss IBM" stuck on its cover. Researching I haven't been able to find such a computer but the name still stuck. Also, I enjoy using BOS as my high score initials rather then my personal initials. I just wish at that early age I had decided to use something a little more unique, but its stuck now.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 22, 2010, 5:40PM
I did break our management site while I was trying to update some of the code and this helped to further delay Vance's posting of the comic. Hopefully this will not be a recurring theme as I continue to update various parts of the site.

On a side note, I really can't wait to give Blizzards new REAL ID a shot next time I log into WoW. I've been waiting for this kind of a feature for a while now.