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Fantasi - Anger
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - June 25, 2010, 12:17AM
This is actually pretty telling of Reese's personality. I have spent years gaming with this guy and I am a fairly patient person. But it seems that just as I'm getting so pissed off that I don't want to play anymore, well, that's when Reese is having the most fun. Believe me, I've heard his stories of working returns.

This isn't to say Reese is a dick, although he is, he just doesn't get it. Why are you sad, angry, stupid... It's more of a Data query then an insult.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - June 25, 2010, 9:50AM
What Vance doesn't realize is that when he is getting so frustrated (pissed, whatever) at a game it is usually due to the fact that he is just barely losing to me (usually in a fighting game of some sort). I get excited because he is trying so hard to beat me and that makes the matches so incredibly challenging and fun. I see it as a chance for us to play at our finest. Vance sees it as the world beating him down and the only solution to that is to try to kill a wall with a controller.

At least that is my take on it all.