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True Friends
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 7, 2006, 9:00PM
This past week I have found the value in true friendship. True friends, you know the ones that'll kick the crap out of you because you asked them too? I hope you all have at least one friend like that, they are priceless. Crosby made a comeback in this weeks comic because he was there, and probably dealt with just as much, if more crap, then me. That and he's one of the most honorable men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. And of course, Reese is always right, but I never listen to him...

It's been a particularly harsh week and to keep with tradition I will not tell you the happenings, more allude to my emotional angst. I have come to the conclusion that I do need to do a series of comics on this subject, so that you may all laugh with me at this nearly absurd routine I've found myself in. This is something I need to have completely thought out, for it is a delicate subject.

Thanks to all of you who come and read this comic. We are picking up in readership pretty fast, although a PA link would make me happy (haha... /sigh). Our normal adventures at PAX will be upon us soon, also the Phoenix Cactus Comicon is coming up in a few months that I will be attending that with a club from school that I am a part of. I might end up dragging Reese along to that, but this is the first he's heard of this. No booth obviously, but if you see me, stop me and say "hi". Don't forget to vote for our comic daily (up there at the top of the couch). We are actually doing better then normal this month, and I'd like to see how far we can get.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 7, 2006, 9:00PM
I have no issues smacking Vance, as I'm sure he is aware of. As far as his issues are concerned, well, he's already been smacked.

As far as the "I hope we get a link from PA some time" statement goes... Vance does not seem to realize that a link such as that would bring our site to it's knees and eat up all our bandwidth in about 2 minutes. Then either there would be no more comic until next month or we would have to shell out some serious cash to keep up with the demand. I'm all for exposure, but having that many people get a "bandwidth exceeded" message doesn't seem to be great advertising.

Between Vance and myself, I've always been the one that finds out about different things going on in technology and gaming and then I share this information with Vance so we may discuss this. I've already told him about this but I'd thought I'd share it with everyone as well. I'm pretty excited about the new PhysX card that you can soon purchase for your computer. It's a processor that offloads the physics calculations from your CPU and seriously enhances what can be done with games. I personaly like things to look as realistic as possible physics wise, even more so than getting the most detailed of graphics. Check out the Cell Factor video on their site to see what I'm talking about. Too bad the demo will only work if you have their card.