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While The Reese Is Away
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 14, 2006, 9:00PM
Reese is gone, he said something about hating me and ran away crying! Actually he went over to Cali to visit his Grandma, such a sweet guy. So I (my character) gets the apartment to himself, with the duck, and unforeseen things lay in wait. I didn't actually set anything on fire, but I don't actually have a duck to coerce me into it, so maybe I need to get a duck? This is actually going to be an ongoing story line for a few weeks, Reese is back but I'm playing it as if he is not, so enjoy my little tale and we all may learn something in the end (but probably not).

So the comic is a tad late due to Reese being on vacation. I do not update the site, I hand all the pretty pretty artwork to Reese and he updates. Eventually it might get to the point where I update my own stuff but I doubt that'll be any time soon (I'm too lazy).

With knowing the comic was going to be late posting I didn't feel the strain to finish it over the weekend, and in turn I decided that I would get up early on Monday (i.e. not sleep) and go to school and work on it here. This is the first time I have actually used a Wacom tablet to draw the comic, and I like it, a lot. Coloring and shading is so much more fun, let alone the "I actually draw" instead of tracing monotonously. So good times, I plan on getting a Wacom soon, so I wont have to venture to school so early to complete the tasks for the day.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 14, 2006, 9:00PM
Vance has an obsession with fire at times so it doesn't suprise me that the moment I leave in the comic, the apartment gets burned down. Luckily, things aren't anything like that in real life. For example, I just started my week long vacation (hence the trip to CA), although I have to spend the last part of it getting ready to move. I'm sure that there will probably be some moving hijinks that you'll end up hearing about when all is said and done. Until then, we will just have to sit back and enjoy the roasting fire that is our apartment.