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While The Reese Is Away Part 2
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 21, 2006, 9:00PM
And the story progresses... I really don't want to get too much into the meaning of things at this particular moment. I hope you are enjoying the story so far; I still have a few weeks to go. I'll give more insight as needed, but I'm pretty sure most of you won't really care, and that's alright, I'm not sure if I do either.

I got my WACOM! Birthday's this week and via that and my own fundage I snagged me a beaut! It's interesting using it at home cuz I'm running dual monitors, so it makes it all funky to draw. Hope to figure a way to have it only affect one monitor or stretch normally. I had to disable one of my monitors to draw this week's comic, it was just too awkward.

I have a few shout outs to go through real fast. First is to my sister "Oshee" (dono if she'd want me to use her real name?), who is pretty much the soul reason we are doing so well in our votes. She has a blog that she enjoys working on and she had asked her friends to help us out, very kind of her. She is also an avid writer, and has some of her fiction as well as much non-fiction up there. Next is to my cousin Larissa. She was in this online comic deal long before I was. Sadly, I'm pretty sure she has stopped drawing Lilly Mouse, but they are still archived here. Then, I spend much of my free time playing isketch, it's an online pictionary that's really friggin cool. I'm "Boss" on there, so say hi if you see me. I've been meaning to pitch that one for a while now. And finally, I spent this weekend catching up on Joe Loves Crappy Movies, it's really funny, and has excellent artwork.

So that's my little plug fest, none of them know I'm doing it, I just wanted to show you some cool stuff. Stay tuned for developing storyline!

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 21, 2006, 9:00PM
I haven't mentioned anything about what has been happening with E3 this year because I've been waiting to see what I thought of it all. The big announcement this year was the price point of the PS3. At $600 for the full system, I think I'll pass, regardless of the massive amounts of processing power that it is supposed to harness to give me games that look a little bit better. Nintendo had their Wii console out on the floor with 27 playable demos. It brings me great joy to know that they are getting so much support from game developers. I truly look forward to playing on that console. The Xbox 360 has always looked like an overhyped product that is just a small step up in graphic capability. Since Sony has released their price, now the 360 seems a little more reasonable. I'm going to bank on the fact that I enjoy gameplay over graphics and Nintendo is the only one that is doing anything that will have a massive impact on that by changing the controller design so drastically.

I could have been cool like Vance and linked a bunch of my text to other sites, but I'm lazy.