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While The Reese Is Away Part 3
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - May 28, 2006, 9:00PM
I feel I might have to have some explanation for this week's comic to properly portray what I wish to. First off, I love this weeks comic, it rivals my "Life" comic for my favorite, it isn't supposed to be out right funny, it's the cute funny that warms your heart. Sounds lame, but its true. It's on the same level of a tickle fight, something sweet and innocent that shows you care. Something about the idea of playing hide 'n go seek with you girlfriend/wife/girl you made up, makes me smile in a most sincere fashion. It's past physical desires and immediate needs, it takes a lot for adults to have child like innocence, and it's truly magnificent when it is achieved. As for the "just wearing a t-shirt thing", that's more the carnal side, and that (to me) is a lot sexier then any lingerie I have ever seen.

*Steps off his soapbox*

So, I think now would be a good time to fill you in on who Shannon is. Yes, she is made up. I have been involved with a few Shannon's in my life, and that is why she dons their namesake. I told a girl once that she was modeled after her, but in all frankness I lied. Shannon is the compilation of the wonderful part of every girl I have ever loved; thoughtful, intelligent, caring, sincere, doesn't play all the bull shit games most women do (ha-ha, ya I'm a little bitter) and she's goth cuz, well, I like the style (mmm fishnet). In short she is the perfect woman for me, sadly, the kind that doesn't exist. I've developed her character quite extensively, but I'm not too positive on how much you readers will actually get to see of it after I'm done with this story.

Today's Memorial Day and I'm off to Central, Arizona to visit my father's grave, as well my sister's grave. It's a family tradition to do so, and about a 3-4 hour drive from where I live, but it's always worth it. I have a great love and respect for my father, and owe him a great deal. It's been 5 years now since he passed away, and I miss him constantly. It saddens me exceedingly that my children will not know such an outstanding man.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - May 28, 2006, 9:00PM
I'm not really in any of the recent comics and I've had almost no influence on what is happening in them. I'll just discuss whatever I want then...

I got a chance to play Rise of Legends this weekend. It came highly recommended. I'm not normally into RTS games, but this one was actually quite fun (probably since I won the two games that I played). It's nice playing something in a genre you normally ignore, since everything feels fresh. Thanks for the recommendation Anthony.