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The Stuff
Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 2, 2006, 9:00PM
I'm still waiting for Vance to send me the comic so I'll just talk about whatever for now. I've been in my new house for over a month now and things are going well. I still feel like I'm moving in as there is always something that still needs unpacking or setting up.

I've gotten some feedback from a few of my friends who read this comic and they want me to say more on the front page here. I tell them that I'm lazy and I don't usually even start looking at what needs to be done for the update until Vance sends me the comic late Sunday night. By that time, I don't want to type up a story, I want to go to bed. I sometimes give them the pleasure of my long annoying rants about random technology/games/weird stuff. I could start talking about that kind of stuff here, as my friends recommend, but not this week. I still am adjusting to the concept of taking time to type something up. Expect me to actually have something to say next week and possibly some other time in the future.

Now, here is Vance's little rant. The fun part is that he has no idea that I was going to say anything this week and that I would be posting my stuff ahead of his. Let's all pretend that his is first so that it makes more sense. I really hope he puts something at the end of it like "And here is Reese..." or something to that effect. If so, I will not edit it out and we'll all get a good laugh at his expense. If not, well, then I guess I wrote this paragraph for nothing...

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 2, 2006, 9:00PM
I don't think that it is within my power to stop me from this "storyline" thing, at least not for a long while. But, I told the story (for the most part) that I wanted to and now we continue with the aftermath of the happenings.

So, I've been catching up on my years missed of ctrl+alt+del and I'm kinda thinking I shoulda read that a while ago. Not just because it's one of the best gaming comics out there, but that all my ideas of late tend to follow his broad outline. So, if you like my comic, read his, or if you like his... read mine, since that is more likely the case.

The trip went well, and surprisingly I made it back to Phoenix alive. 14 hour drive straight home from Idaho was rough, but extremely fun. Glad to see my family I hardly get to see, and watch cartoons with my nieces (good times). Also hung out with my cousins Karen and Larissa (the one that drew Lilly mouse, and some other projects unknown to me till of late). Always fun to see them, and their husbands. And of course my brother Joe, who was the whole reason I took the trip.