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Croz & April
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 16, 2006, 9:00PM
Ah, the married with two kids friends. Croz has made several appearances in the comic, but this is the first April has dawned us with her beauty and... grace? I love them both dearly, and they are actually the friends I go to with emotional distresses. Reese is a great friend, but if it's not about computers, video games, or the latest in useless gadgets, I'm not seeking his advice, especially about relationships (lack of practice you know). So when all this past shit actually went down it was Croz and April that supported me. I may also state that that in proper timeline the True Friends comic would be inserted next.

Its kind of funny, I got to watch three movies I hadn't (albeit, should have) been able to watch. Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Eurotrip, and Grandma's Boy. All of which were a lot better then I expected. But watching three movies like that in a row can mess with your head. Now I just wanna go to Europe, eat at White Castle, and play video games. I guess I'll just go play some video games, cuz that is the only one that is feasible. Fun, I'll be it stupid, movies, along with enough nudity to fill many a weekend...

School goes well, not much to tell at the moment.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - July 16, 2006, 9:00PM
I find it funny that Vance comments on how I have no experience with a relationship and I'm not any good to go to for advice on them when I'm the one with a girlfriend and he isn't.

I went to a LAN party this weekend and had a fair amount of fun. I proved once again that you should fear the grenades that come from my medic in Battlefield 2. Other than that, I sucked. Still had fun though, and that's what counts (isn't that what losers say?). I'm still checking on all the latest geek news out there and if I find anything super interesting, I'll let you all know...

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - July 16, 2006, 9:00PM
Just because I'm eating pudding does not make me a pudding expert. I specifically said "lack of practice" not complete absence of. Which it almost was before recent endeavors...

Muahaha... Touche!

and now the riposte...