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Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 6, 2006, 9:00PM
They finally released the TMNT teaser and I've gotten mixed revues from people. In fact, I am skeptically ecstatic about it, same as I am with the Transformer movie coming out. This is my childhood. Ninja Turtles were the toys I craved, and the show I loved. In fact I still have my original toys in my toy box and play with them often (yes, I have a toy box, and am very proud of it). Since then there have been 3 live action movies, 1 live action TV show and the new animated series, which I followed for a bit, but then lost interest when I saw too many vital things change. These are just the video media, not including the comic books and countless other visual candy I have failed to mention.

I love the use of 3D in this movie. I tend to dislike the overuse of 3D animation but in this case I think it's the best choice. It reminds me of the Spider-man series Mainframe did for MTV a few years back, which I love to no end. By the look of it, and the fluidity of the animation, the fight scenes in this new Turtle's movie should kick so much ass! That was always my problem with the 80's turtle movies, the fight sequences sucked, as far as what the Ninja Turtles should have actually been able to do and the way the defeated they Shredder was a joke, seriously... I'm interested to see what the people will look like in this new flick. Humans are always the hardest thing to pull off in animation, cuz we look at um every day, and will notice if something is out of whack. So if they look good and move well, I see nothing but good things for this movie... Oh, and I hope the story doesn't get butchered like so many beloved things before it.

Last weeks post was really short, and that's because The above was written to be posted last week, but then I came up with this comic idea and decided I would put off my view's of the new TMNT movie until I finished my DRNA comic. On a side note it almost felt blasphemous drawing four of the greatest masters of art in a characaturistic style.

I would highly recommend pooring over Mainframe's site. I hold them at the same level of respect I have for Pixar, and that's saying a lot.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - August 6, 2006, 9:00PM
I ran across this information late last week and thought it might be something of interest for all of you out there tracking the Blu-ray and HD DVD. There seems to be a new holographic storage technology that will be for sale this Christmas (for enterprise use only at first - read: really expensive). This is some promising stuff. I read about it several years ago, but now it is actually going to market. The main reason I see this as important, is that it makes the both Blu-ray and HD DVD look like crap. When this technology actually hits the consumer level, there will be no reason to look at the other two. Which means yet another reason to not want a PS3. I still do not understand why Sony insists on pushing Blu-ray with their gaming console. I can't see the future, but I'm betting that the price tag that comes along with the Blu-ray drive (and technically the cell processor as well) will cause them to lose their lead in console sales (note - the Xbox 360 is one of the next gen systems and is still being outsold by the PS2, but not by much). Nintendo's next console has my vote.

Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 6, 2006, 9:00PM
Oh my god Avenue Q is the funniest thing I have ever laid my poor eyes upon. It's like The Muppets and Rent has some crazy pirate sex!