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Knick Knacks
Vance Charactar Portrait
Vance - August 13, 2006, 9:00PM
There's a quality to this weeks comic that is not normally seen on our little site here. The reasoning is time. I've actually been creating this comic for well over 3 weeks now. Lots of hard work went into it, so if you hate it? I hate you back.

But, I can not take full credit for this, normally I can't anyways, but half this dialogue was derived from an actual conversation I had in WoW with my good friend Wyatt, and for the most part it is near exactness to what was actually said. I actually took screen shots of it so I would not mess up the perfect banter. I like banter...

I've gone off on tangents and I had planned on it for a while. Once I got to a good stopping place in my "storyline" I'd run off and do some fun concepts that I've been gathering for some time now. Next will be the installment of "Comics about games I should have done comics on forever ago!" If you can't tell by the title what that's going to entail, I suggest seeking help. But I've sketched some really funny stuff about games I haven't played in years, so ill catch up on a few of those next. Hope you enjoy it.

Woot midterms... Suck. In fact I don't know where I was this week, but it was not within the dimensions of my cranium. Completely useless I was, and your father he is... Although for the Sequential Art League (comic club at school) I am working on one of my storylines with a group of people and its turning out better then I could have hoped. I'll keep you updated on that.

Reese Charactar Portrait
Reese - August 13, 2006, 9:00PM
I've just read some more information on the expansion to World of Warcraft called the Burning Crusade. It looks like Blizzard is changing quite a few things in the expansion in regards to PvP and end game instances. Gamespy has a full review of the changes. I think it's great that they are willing to change things around to make it better for the players, but I'm pretty burned out on WoW right now and I'm not sure the expansion is going to change my feelings on the subject...